prof. Piotr Stefanowicz
- Details
- Hits: 5874
Education: D.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), University of Wrocław, 2010
Ph.D. (Organic Chemistry), University of Wrocław, 1993
M.Sc. (Chemistry), University of Wrocław, 1984
Date: 2001 - present
Institution: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław.
Job Title: Assistant Professor (Adiunkt)
Subject: Synthesis of immunoactive peptides
Glycation of peptides
Solid phase organic syntesis
Supervisor: Prof. Z. Szewczuk
Date: 1998 - 2001
Institution: National research Council of Canada,
Biotechnology ResearchInstitute, (Montreal)
Job Title: Research Associate Officer.
Subject: Synthesis of combinatorial libraries of drug-like molecules
Analysis of natural products by mas spectrometry
Elucidation of structures of taxoids by mass spectrometry
Supervisor: dr Y. Konishi
Date: 1994 - 1998
Institution: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław.
Job Title: Assistant Professor (Adiunkt)
Subject: Conformational investigations of immunoactive peptides
(fragments of thymopoetin, lactoferrin and TGFb).
Design and synthesis of new reagents for labeling proteins
with fluorescent markers . Analysis of peptides and proteins
(electrospray mass spectrometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, CD
spectroscopy and others)
Supervisor: Prof. I. Z. Siemion
Date: 1984-1994
Institution: Institute of Chemistry, University of Wrocław (Poland)
Job Title: Research Assistant
subject Labeling proteins and peptides with fluorescent markers.
Kinetical investigation on aminolysis and hydrolysis of active
derivatives of N-protected amino acids.
Supervisor: Prof. I.Z. Siemion