prof. Danuta Konopińska
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Professor in the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw., Ph.D. and D.Sc
Graduated from the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Medical University in Wroclaw (MSc).
In 1972 PhD (in chemistry) and in 1978 DSc. (in organic chemistry and bioorganic chemistry)
Degrees obtained in the Faculty of Chemistry in Wroclaw University: Full Professor title in 1991.
Member of the Polish Chemical Society,
Polish Biochemical Society,
American Association of Peptides
European Association of Peptides
New York Academy of Sciences.
Member of Editorial Board of journal: Pestycydy/Pesticides (Poland)
Research Topics:
Chemistry of Natural Products:
Insect Peptide Hormones and Neuropeptides. Arthropod Neurotoxins. Immunopeptides.
BiorationalMethod of Insect Control: Antifeedants against Stored Product Insects.
Ecological Insecticides(diazoketones, amides, polyamines).
Plant Peptide Hormones.
Scientific Stays and Visits
In 1973 - 1974 postdoctoral stay in the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague
1979 - 1980 and 1983 and 1985 in Tufts University in Boston (USA)
1984 Lille University (France) and Paoul Brousse Hospital (Paris, France)
1988 Weizman Institute in Rehovoth (Israel)
1992 North-Western University in Chicago (USA)
1993 Institute of Entomology, Czeske Budeiovice (Czech Rep.)
1997 Washington University in St. Luis, USDA Agriculture, Dept. College Station (Texas, USA2000
and Johnson University, Johnson City, Tennessee (USA) and 2000 in Leuven University (Belgium),
2005 Institute of Plant Products CAS, Prague (Czech Rep.)
Chair of Scientific and Organizing Committees of meetings:
Polish Peptide Symposium 1993, I-st International Conference on Insects: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects Poland, 1994; II-nd International Conference on Insects: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects Poland, 1997; III-rd International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Poland, 2001; IV-th International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects Poland, 2005; V-th International Conference on Arthropods: Poland, 2007
as well as II - VII Polish Symposium: Ecological Friendly Pesticides in 1995, 1996, 1998 - 2000 and 2003 - 2006.
Editor of Proceedings:
1. Insect 1994 (Proceedings of I-st International Conference on Arthropods)
2. Insect 1997 (Proceeding of II-nd International Conference on Insects)
3. Arthropods 2001 (Proceedings after III International Conference on Arthropods)
Selected Patents:
1. D.Konopińska, M.Kuczer, G.Rosiński [D-Arginylo1]-pochodne proktoliny,
Patent - PL 177344 B1, 29.10,1999 r. WUP 10/99
[(D-Arginyl1]-derivatives of proctolin)
2. D. Konopińska, M. Kuczer, L-Arginylo-D-tyrozylo-L-leucylo-L-prolylo-D-treonina, Patent, PL 177345 B1
29.10.1999 WUP10/9
3. I.Woźnica, W.Szeszel-Fedorowicz, D.Konopińska, Nowe pochodne L-homofenyloalaniny (Kwas 2-amino-4-fenylobutanowy) podstawione w poztycji 4 pierścienia aromatycznego Patent, zgloszenie patentowe P.346450, 2001.
4.D. Konopińska, A. Bahyrycz, Nowe pochodne fenyloglicyny P.353817 (2002).